House So Green is a collaborative platform for certified green homes ranked by performance, with beautiful architecture, that is thoughtfully designed, incorporates the latest building science, uses the latest computer and home automation technology, has the lowest possible utility bills, is extremely comfortable, and is built to last 100+ years.

I created a set of personas, which kept us from building for all users, instead we builded for no users. These personas were intend to help the entire team to focus on design thinking by posing question like: Would the Parker Family do this?

Sketching was much more efficient, it kept us from getting caught up in the technology, and instead kept us focusing on the best possible solution.

By creating sets of wireframes I kept abreast the usability, design best practices and development.  Working closely with the project owner I had the opportunity to organize ideas, iterate several concepts, and define user flows with different level of details (screen behavior, and artifact interaction).

The personas shines through each channel and interaction. I’ve grown fond of this sweet partnership, and are constantly exploring new strategies to stimulate sales and value for both their business and customers.

Still want to see more of my work, you can check out the shots below.

Don't Be Shy. Get In Touch.

If you are interested in working together, send me an inquiry and I will get back to you as soon as I can!